Search Results
57days old Wild f1 discus selection group.
119days old Wild f1 discus (W.B.sabby Cuipeua 1 × W.B.Sabby Mangal)
46 days old Wild f1 discus (W.B.Sabby Cuipeua 1 × W.B.Sabby Mangal)
Wild F1 discus 149 days old from hatch.
Wild Iripixi with real F1 Fry. Thanks Al Castro (USA)
Wild Iripixi with real F1. Thanks Al Castro (USA)
2nd pair F1 Discus Pairing
Discus F1 first pair ;-)
식충이들 (부화 91일차 식비 100만원 초과)
Discus Fish
Testing with our F1 - Pro Defence Small grans and D-50 Plus in Flakes
Discus F1 Lago Amana x Nhamunda Red